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Metal Roofing

At Vanguard Roofing we are passionate about metal roofing. Metal roofs are beautiful and provide the following benefits:

  • Adds up to 6% to the value of your home
  • Resists wind gusts over 140 miles per hour
  • Available in over 30 colors
  • Can drastically reduce attic temperatures

There are three common Galvalume metal roofing types used in Virginia:

Exposed Fastener (panel) Roofing Exposed Fastener (panel) Roofing
Standing Seam Standing Seam
Metal Shingles Metal Shingles

Exposed Fastener metal roofing costs approximately 40% less than Standing Seam due to reduced material and labor costs.  With Exposed Fastener roofing, screws penetrate through the face of the finished roof and are never covered.  Valleys, eaves, rakes, and ridges depend on sealants and closure strips for their integrity.  The standard metal thickness for Exposed Fastener panel roofing is 29 gauge.

While Standing Seam metal roofing is more costly, its fasteners are installed under the roofing structure. Panels are connected with a snap-lock system, and roof integrity does not depend upon sealants, polyurethane washers, or closure strips.  The standard metal thickness for Standing Seam roofing is 26 gauge (thicker than 29).